

The following testimonials are from our pilot scheme whereby my wonderful friend and colleague Hatti assisted me in the development and presentation of the workshops. Hatti will not be taking part in the live workshops moving forward however her input remains heavily throughout the sessions.

"Franki and Hatti are the future of midwifery and what should be taught. They are passionate about informed consent and this is shown throughout their sessions. I have learnt so much and will use every session in my daily practice" ★★★★★

"I thoroughly enjoyed this course. the dynamic between Hatti and Franki was really pleasant and I felt listened to and able to ask questions, even as a novice." ★★★★★

"Absolutely loved this course! As someone who is not a student/ midwife yet, I found this course extremely helpful in regard to knowing what to expect, and it provided me with crucial knowledge that will help me when I start uni. Franki and Hatti were both informative and gave great examples of how it relates to everyday practice. I would 100% recommend this course to anyone with a passion for midwifery- whether they are yet to start their journey or are already a midwife!" ★★★★★

"Franki and Hatti are the best supporters you never knew you needed. They are wonderful at what they do and have created a brilliant course on everything consent and inclusivity. They make difficult conversations something to look forward to. The inclusion of their personal working experiences and their willingness to make themselves vulnerable are what make this course unique and brilliant." ★★★★★

"I found this course so eye-opening and informative. I think every student midwife and aspiring student midwife should take this course. As a student midwife myself, this course has made me really analyse the communication between staff, women and families in our care. I am now more conscious of the way I use my language in practice to ensure inclusivity to all. Thank you so much Franki and Hatti!" ★★★★★

"The whole workshop programme expanding my knowledge to become a better student midwife and midwife in the future. I found the topics discussed insightful and very useful and I loved the delivery of the content from Hatti and Franki. They both came across so knowledgeable and friendly and it was so nice to have an open platform to discuss all the topics and everyone share their own experiences together. I will definitely be recommending the workshops to future fellow students. From my understanding now the topics discussed are often brushed over at the initial uni training and the knowledge I have gained will make a huge difference to my working practice and therefore hopefully the care and experiences received for so many in the future. Thank you for letting me be a part of your peer group" ★★★★★

"It’s clear Franki and Hatti have put a lot of work into these workshops and their passion has been evident throughout. These workshops are ideal for all those who are new to midwifery care, but also as a refresher for those who have been working in the field for a number of years just as a gentle refresher on how to optimise women’s pregnancy and birth experiences." ★★★★★

"I found the workshops so helpful and insightful. I would definitely recommend to others especially those just starting out to help further your knowledge on how to address patients effectively." ★★★★★

"This course has been so informative and enjoyable. Franki and Hatti are so knowledgeable and passionate about empowering women during pregnancy and it really comes across through the sessions. The course has really helped me to reflect on my own practice and highlighted what I can do to improve care for women and provide true informed choice. Thank you so much." ★★★★★

"Well thought out and insightful course. Very relevant to midwifery today and would highly recommend all , aspiring, student and qualified midwives to undertake and learn from this course." ★★★★★

"The course was a great insight to the people you will meet and areas you need to be familiar with and which you will come across as a qualified midwife" ★★★★★

"As a student midwife that starts her journey into midwifery in September this has been a great insight into midwifery as a whole and some of the things I may come across. I would highly recommended these workshops to any aspiring birth worker or currently practicing midwife. This has been invaluable to me, and I am very thankful for the opportunity." ★★★★★

"I found the subjects really engaging and thought provoking. It’s made me evaluate my personal practice and how can improve or rather what my strengths are. Franki and Hatti very open to questions and sensitive in their approach." ★★★★★